Art Classes: Location: Art Classes held at the Emporia Arts Center located at 815 Commercial St, unless otherwise noted.
Arrival and Departure: EAC is NOT responsible for child’s care before or after class. Students must check in with the front desk staff before heading to class. Please drop off and pick up your child promptly. Children in the PreK classes, as well as any others 5 and below will need to be accompanied by an adult for the duration of their class.
Registration: Classes are first-come, first-serve basis. Payments for classes is required at the time of registration! Students must be registered at LEAST one day prior to the class. Refunds: We reserve the right to cancel a class for any reason. In the rare case this happens, we will offer a credit, or a make-up class could be provided.
If a class does not meet the minimum number of registered students, EAC will cancel that specific class at noon the day before the class date. If a student is not able to attend a class that they are registered for EAC is NOT responsible for providing a make-up class, refund or a credit.
Questions? Contact Sadie Moore at smoore@emporiaksarts.org