WORDS Student Name(required) Parent/Guardian Name & Phone Number (if under 18)(required) Emergency Contact – Name & Phone Number(required) Email(required) Phone(required) Address, City, State & Zip Code OPT In/Out Yes, I permit photographs of me and/or my child(ren) to be used in EAC's promotional materials. No, I do not permit photographs of me and/or my child(ren) to be used in EAC's promotional materials. Art Classes Check the box if you would like to be added to our mailing and email list? Check the box – Please note, if a student is not able to attend a class that they are registered for, EAC is not responsible for providing a make-up class or refund.(required) Submit Registration! Check out our online store below! Click on either Youth Art Classes or Adult Art Classes, add the class to your shopping bag and check out! You can also register for classes at the Emporia Arts Center located at 815 Commercial St. Δ Youth Art ClassesYouth Art ClassesAdult Art ClassesAdult Art ClassesPerformance Series 24-25Performance Series 24-25Featured ProductsAdult - Invincible - PAS25Adult - Invincible - PAS25$40.00 Buy NowSnow Paint 25-WINSnow Paint 25-WIN$5.00 Buy NowArt Journaling 25-WINArt Journaling 25-WIN$60.00 Buy NowKansas Sunflower Tile 25-WINKansas Sunflower Tile 25-WIN$30.00 Buy NowMixed Media Collage 25-WINMixed Media Collage 25-WIN$75.00 Buy Now Need help? Call 620-343-6473 or email Sadie Moore at smoore@emporiaksarts.org