Our members are essential to the success of our mission and by becoming a member you aren’t just supporting the art in all these communities but also gaining benefits in the process! What does becoming a member look like? See below!
Each year our numbers grow thanks to our generous members, staff, and community! We strive to create a community for the arts – a place that welcomes everyone which in doing so helps to connect, explore and experience the arts.
The mission of the Emporia Arts Center:
“To Educate, Advocate and Celebrate the Arts” in Emporia and our surrounding counties: Chase, Morris, Coffey, Greenwood, Osage, and Wabaunsee.
EAC focuses on three major initiatives:
The Art Education Project, The Community Initiative, and The Performing Arts Series.
The Art Education Project (AEP) – Your commitment to EAC builds a legacy for area children rich in creativity and originality. EAC partners with our area schools for after-school arts, the area recreation commission for arts at summer camp programs, activities at Kids Koncerts, Emporia Mainstreet community events, and masterclasses at Emporia State University. EAC’s outreach activities occur 12 months of the year.
The Community Initiative (TCI) – The Community Initiative improves our everyday life. The Arts Center is a resource for individuals and businesses in Emporia, with a variety of quality rental spaces available. Our state-of-the-art facility is a stop that highlights tours of our community – family, friends, and tourists! The Community Initiative represents EAC’s work to promote and advance artists, our arts community, and the “business of art.” Whether it’s sold in our year-round ‘Don and Mary Glaser Art & Gift Shop’ or featured in the ‘Trusler Gallery,’ EAC art sales benefit artists and the arts community.
Performing Arts Series (PAS) – Every year EAC hosts world-renowned performing artists. This past year we hosted DRUMLine Live, The Greatest Love of All, Drum TAO & Chris Perdoni’s Stunt Dog Experience to name a few!
Each day we open our doors, our community and the lives within it are changed!
24 - 25 Memberships
Each year our numbers grow thanks to our generous members, staff, and community! We strive to create a community for the arts – a place that welcomes everyone which in doing so helps to connect, explore and experience the arts.
Our members are essential to the success of our mission and by becoming a member you aren’t just supporting the art in all these communities but also gaining benefits in the process!
We invite you to become an Annual Fund Donor for the 2024 – 2025 season.
For more information:
Please come by the Arts Center (815 Commercial St.) or call us at 620- 343 – 6473 or email Amy Gonzales at agonzales@emporiaksarts.org